Getting back to the issue of monikers for the trip - Jonny, you might remember, has already bagged 'Maverick' for his lusty, fearless way with hills and oncoming tractors - it seems as though Dan has staked his claim to something more homely. After wowing the group with Jelly Babies on a ride out to Hever Castle, he pitched up at Brian's for rehearsal with a tupperware box (it wouldn't have been the same without the tupperware) of delicious - ooh, they were delicious - little buns. Firm on the outside with a spongy interior and a little hit of raspberry jam at their centre, they quite easily saw off competition from a little pile of cafe-bought chocolate brownies.
So what do we think? 'Confectionary King'? 'Apron Boy'? 'Mum'? Best try and make it a little more manly. Buns of this quality should never be discouraged.
Our first full-afternoon rehearsal - albeit without Dave (stuck on the Isle of Wight) and Dom (prostituting himself for the weekend with another musical combo) - and a very promising run through a pile of the songs we've been trying out over the past couple of months. The idea was to give them a little bit of texture; rather than everyone hooning in on the first bar, we've decided to make them rather more delicate beasts - holding off the guitars for a verse, for example, giving more prominence to Jonny's plaintive clarinet melody lines and Dan's uke.
There was some very lovely playing indeed. Neil impressed with his prowess on a Spanish guitar break on 'Come Up and See Me...'; Brian, as ever, added some gorgeously bouncing bass lines; Dan lifted 'Valerie' (ooh-er) with some sweet, sweet melodica and leant weight with some excellent vocal harmonies; and Jonny riffed marvellously on the clarinet and guitar, even taking a turn behind Brian's double bass for an impromptu rendition of 'Stand By Me'.
I tried my best.
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